
This is all done by me unless otherwise stated. (Although why would I put up art that wasn't mine in this section?)


Sketch 1: Really Bad first sketches of some of the main characters.

Sketch 2: This was the second drawing of Keito ever.


*Colored Art*


Keito Prototype/ Chapter 1 Original Title Page: This was the picture which launched the comic. Me, as a samurai drawn during a boring class at college. Back when I was experimenting on how the comic would be drawing and how the story would progress, this was the title for chapter 1. I have no idea what I wrote in japanese or even if it makes any sense.

Keito: This is what I use for the color model of Keito, it's far different than the usual comic standard I use, because it takes longer to draw pretty.

Season Greetings 2003: Is this forshadowing? Probably not.

Get Well Soon Greg!: My cousin Greg, who is the basis for Hitei, went under the knife for a major heart operation in Feburary 2003 at the same time my FRIEND Greg's BROTHER Alex went in for major lung surgery. They both came out ok.

Fubuki: That is certainly one badass guy. Wait, he looks a bit familiar... who is he?